Tag: imf

Helping Bangladesh Recover from COVID-19: Interview With IMF’s Representative Ragnar Gudmundsson

To help Bangladesh during this crisis, the IMF has approved emergency loans totaling around $732 million. IMF Country Focus spoke with the IMF’s resident representative for Bangladesh Ragnar Gudmundsson about...

Remarks By IMF Kristalina Georgieva On Italy, Europe and the Global...

Buon pomeriggio ! We are at a point in our history where it is paramount to concentrate on what this crisis entails, what are the risks...

Changing Christine Lagarde At The ECB

By Nikki Howes, Investment Associate at Heartwood Investment Management, the asset management arm of Handelsbanken in the UK On 1 November, former IMF chief Christine Lagarde...

What Industry Experts Say About The IMF’s ‘The Rise of Digital...

The IMF has published a new report, called ‘The Rise of Digital Money’, outlining the potential effects cryptocurrencies will have on the current financial...

Is Christine Lagarde Up To The ECB Presidency’s Many Challenges?

As it seems likely that Christine Lagarde will assume one of the main roles in the European Union, the presidency of the European Central...
Brexit and Financial Apolypse, image by Dinis Guarda

Brexit, Deutsche Bank and the Beginning of a Financial Apocalypse?

Brexit, Deutsche Bank and the Beginning of a Financial Apocalypse? The pound is 2016’s worst performing currency and we are just in the beginning. As the...
Market Depth and Liquidity

Forex Trading MBA Part 4: Market Depth and Liquidity

Forex Trading MBA Part 4: Market Depth and Liquidity Trading in the FX, Forex market is a powerful way to create additional income, trade professionally...

EUR/USD Tumbles as ECB Mulls Policy Change at Next Meeting

The EUR/USD fell below 1.08 for the first time in two weeks on Thursday after European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi promised a...

Markets Under Pressure as Oil Prices Hit Fresh Lows

Asian and European markets were back on the defensive Wednesday, as oil prices wallowed at their lowest level since 2003, triggering a sharp selloff...

Euro Moderately Higher ahead of Greece Referendum

The euro traded slightly higher against its US and British counterparts on Friday, as investors responded positively to upbeat Eurozone data ahead of Sunday’s...

EUR/USD Slips as Greek Bailout Talks Continue to Stall

The EUR/USD was under pressure on Friday, falling to the mid-1.11 region after the International Monetary Fund walked out of debt negotiations with Greece,...

GBP/USD Strengthens as BOE Maintains Rate

The GBP/USD was mildly supported on Thursday as the Bank of England made no changes to monetary policy, as investors continued to monitor negotiations...

Greece Debt Talks Continue in Brussels

Talks between Greece and its creditors resumed in Brussels on Thursday, with both sides still far apart on an agreement needed to keep Athens...

Greece Taps into Reserves to Repay IMF

Greece relied on emergency reserves to make a debt interest payment to the International Monetary Fund, a sign the far-left government of Alexis Tsipras has...

US Dollar Propped Up By Greece Default Fears

The US dollar climbed against a basket of currencies on Monday, while the euro declined across the board as the markets grew jittery ahead...

UK GDP Said to Have Expanded 0.6% in Third Quarter: NIESR

UK GDP grew at a steady rate in the first quarter, a sign the economy remained resilient in the face of volatile energy prices...

Greece, EU to Resume Bailout Talks on Wednesday

Negotiations between Greece and its European Union paymasters will resume on Wednesday, after another day of negotiations tested the patience of Eurozone partners. The European...

EUR/USD Little Changed as Goldman Sachs Lowers Forecast

The euro posted modest gains against the US dollar on Wednesday, although upside was limited after international investment bank Goldman Sachs lowered the common...


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