Tag: saudi arabia

Russian Oil

Russian Output Freeze Red Herring for Oil Market

Oil is once more on the retreat following revelations that the output freeze accord initiated by Saudi Arabia and Russia was just a ruse...
Oil prices tempest slide tradersdna

Oil Prices Slide on Supply Overhang, Dollar Strength

Oil prices were under renewed pressure on Monday, with US-traded crude falling below $30 a barrel on lingering concerns over a worsening supply glut...

Oil Retreats as Saudi Arabia Delivers Largest Budget Deficit in History

Oil prices declined sharply on Monday, pulling back from last week’s rally as OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia delivered its largest budget deficit in history. Collapsing...

Oil Prices Steady amid Biggest Rally of 2015

The price of oil was steady on Tuesday amid its biggest rally of the year, as investors shifted their attention to first quarter earnings...


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