Tag: Barclays

Market Strategies: Will Fixed Rates Remain Beneath The Base Rate?

The trend of fixed rates being lower than the base rate looks set to continue for the foreseeable future, according to industry experts. Despite...
Market Review - Barlcays Bank

Market Review: Banks to settle US private lawsuit

Donald Trump is now the presumptive US presidential nominee for the Republican party after rival Ted Cruz dropped out of the race. Trump won...

The State of FinTech

  By Georgi Georgiev According to infographic from SavvyBeaver Canada and a Singapore based start-up Call Levels, the Global investment in financial technology ventures tripled to...

Market Makers MahiFX challenges the FX Agency Model

MahiFX is a new online retail foreign exchange (FX) trading business based in Christchurch, New Zealand. The company, founded by the co-creators of Barclays Capital’s...


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