The Bard PowerPort Lawsuit Updates You Should Know

Many people rely on medical devices to improve their health. One such device is the Bard PowerPort, a catheter implanted under the skin to deliver medication or receive fluids. However, some patients have experienced severe complications allegedly linked to Bard PowerPorts.

As a result, numerous lawsuits have been filed against Bard, the manufacturer, by individuals who believe the devices are defective. These lawsuits have been consolidated into Multidistrict Litigation (MDL), a streamlined legal process for handling mass tort cases.

We’ll explore the current status of the Bard PowerPort MDL and what you should know if you have concerns about a Bard PowerPort implant. For more information about the lawsuits, contact the Bard PowerPort lawyers at Dolman Law Group. Since its inception in 2004, the Dolman Law Group has been working hard to protect the vulnerable from the greedy clutches of insurance companies. The firm has been helping accident victims for nearly two decades under the leadership of Mathew A. Dolman, a lifetime member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocated Forum.

Background on Bard PowerPort Issues

While intended to be a helpful medical tool, Bard PowerPorts has been linked to several serious complications. These complications can arise from:

  • Fracture: The catheter itself may break, potentially leaving fragments behind in the body.
  • Migration: The implanted port can move from its original position, causing difficulty accessing it for treatment.

These problems can lead to a range of health risks, including:

  • Infection: A broken or migrated port can increase the risk of infection entering the bloodstream.
  • Blood Clots: Damage to blood vessels from a fractured or migrated port can raise the risk of blood clots.
  • Organ Damage: Migrated fragments or a misplaced port could injure nearby organs.

The timeline of events goes like this: Bard PowerPorts received FDA approval years ago. However, after some patients experienced complications, lawsuits began to be filed against Bard, alleging the devices were defective. Due to the many lawsuits, the courts established Multidistrict Litigation, or MDL, to streamline the legal process.

Status of the Bard PowerPort MDL

An MDL, or Multidistrict Litigation, is a special court procedure that combines many similar lawsuits from across the country into a single federal court. This helps to:

  • Avoid Duplication: By centralizing the case, the court prevents judges in different districts from making conflicting rulings on similar legal issues.
  • Conserve Resources: Sharing pretrial tasks like document discovery among all cases saves time and money for both parties.
  • Move the Case Forward: Streamlining the process can expedite settlements or trials for all involved.

The Bard PowerPort MDL currently involves hundreds of cases, and the number continues to grow as more individuals come forward. Recent developments in the MDL may include upcoming deadlines for filing claims or motions or any significant court decisions that could impact the overall case.

Recent Bard Lawsuit Updates as of April 2024

Here’s the latest from the multidistrict litigation (MDL) and state court actions against Bard.

April 22, 2024: The MDL welcomed two new lawsuits yesterday, which were transferred from different jurisdictions, indicating an expansion of the litigation.

April 15, 2024: A lawsuit was initiated last week by a Texas woman alleging that her Bard PowerPort, implanted in 2018, malfunctioned, causing her to develop atrial fibrillation—a rare complaint compared to the more commonly reported issues of infection, thrombosis, and catheter fractures.

April 9, 2024: There’s a legal tussle over whether Tim Ring, Bard’s CEO from 2003 to 2017, should be compelled to hand over documents for discovery. Plaintiffs argue that Ring’s documents are crucial for shedding light on Bard’s internal operations and product knowledge during his tenure.

Conversely, Bard contends that the information in Ring’s documents can be sourced elsewhere, questioning the need to involve high-level executives and the breadth of document review.

April 8, 2024: The current count of Bard PowerPort lawsuits in the MDL has reached 154, with an additional 27 cases being heard in New Jersey’s Superior Court.

April 5, 2024: A significant judicial order, CMO #20, was issued focusing on the preservation of biomaterial evidence. It outlines stringent protocols for handling and storing such materials by various stakeholders, including medical facilities, to ensure that all parties have equal access to analysis during the discovery phase.

April 4, 2024: A flurry of orders was released by Judge Campbell, addressing various procedural aspects of the litigation:

  • Approval of a modified Second Amended Case Management Order and discussions on privilege log protocols.
  • A Bellwether Selection Process is maintained, with potential adjustments discussed in response to new filings.
  • The ongoing challenge with incomplete Plaintiff Profile Forms was noted. To address deficiencies, a deadline of May 1, 2024, was set.
  • Procedural clarifications on using Short-Form Complaints and service of process were also detailed, simplifying future filings and streamlining process requirements.

 April 1, 2024: The MDL saw a slow but steady increase, adding 10 new cases last month, bringing the total to 116 since its inception.

These updates are part of our ongoing effort to provide comprehensive insights into the Bard PowerPort litigation, highlighting the evolving dynamics and vital judicial decisions that could influence the outcomes for many involved.

Potential Compensation in Bard PowerPort Lawsuits

It’s important to understand that this article is for informational purposes only and doesn’t constitute legal advice. If you have concerns about a Bard PowerPort implant, consulting with an experienced attorney is crucial.

In product liability lawsuits like these, individuals may seek compensation for various damages, including:

  • Medical expenses: This covers past and future costs associated with treating complications from the Bard PowerPort.
  • Lost wages: Compensation for income lost due to time spent recovering from surgeries or other complications.
  • Pain and suffering: Reimbursement for physical and emotional distress caused by the alleged defect.

The specific amount of compensation a person may receive depends on the severity of their injuries, the associated medical costs, and other individual factors.

Important Dates and Deadlines to Know

If you’re considering filing a lawsuit regarding a Bard PowerPort, staying informed about important deadlines in the MDL is crucial. These deadlines might involve:

  • Filing amendments: This refers to the window to update or modify your initial lawsuit filing.
  • Discovery deadlines: This is the timeframe for both sides to exchange evidence and information.

Missing these court-imposed deadlines can negatively impact your case.  For the most up-to-date information on relevant deadlines, consulting with an attorney experienced in MDLs is recommended.

Finding Legal Representation for a Bard PowerPort Lawsuit

If you have suffered complications from a Bard PowerPort implant, consider seeking legal guidance from an attorney experienced in medical device litigation. An attorney can review your case, advise you of your legal options, and help you navigate the complexities of the MDL process.