Initial Coin Offerings: 4 Innovatives ICOs That Will Change How You Work And Play

4 Innovative ICOs that Will Change How You Work and Play.

New innovative solutions for existing processes such as cross-border payments, content creation, marketing products and services are developed following deep thoughts, wide deliberations and experimentation. Such solutions need to be more efficient, effective and less costly so that consumers can accept and use them daily at home, work, and play.

The blockchain technology, discovered in early 2009, provides the impetus for creating such innovative solutions. Many startups have begun to develop ecosystems on blockchain-based ecosystems. The startups are using Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) to raise capital to fund development of these innovative solutions. Here are 4 ICOs whose innovative solutions will change how you work and play:

1. BehaviourExchange  

Irrelevant content is one of the biggest challenges facing companies and decision-makers today. Not only does such content cause them to lose regular customers, it also poses the risk of losing new visitors who would otherwise view their landing pages and websites. Even more, a section of their audience may begin to view their content as spam, and possibly report it,s causing the site ranking to decline even further.

BehaviourExchange is an innovative ICO project designed to identify, decode and profile online visitors real-time. Using this information, companies can be able to customize their online content for each visitor so they can view products and services based on their purchase intent.  The concept behind BehaviourExchange will largely alter the kind of content customers access in future. It will allow potential clients to browse through offerings without sellers having to worry about their ads being reported as spam.

2. Betex

Betex will be a blockchain-based derivative trading platform for P2P assets. The platform will enable participants in the ecosystem to bet on future changes against each other. Trading will happen through a transparent and fair process where everyone has access to information and real-time data. Powered by Ethereum smart contracts, the platform will provide instant payouts and will not require those who want to bet or trade to make any deposit.

This ICO project is also has a white label model for brokers. This means, once in place, Betex will create solutions that enable brokers to establish their business within a short time and at minimal costs.

3. Goldma

Goldma is an ICO project backed by a gold mining company that operates several mines, extracting and purchasing gold complete with the required licenses including mining, environmental and gold buying. Through the ICO project, the company is seeking to allow every person to transfer value in a secure and inexpensive way, anywhere and at any time. Goldma is enabling anyone to invest in their company by purchasing GMA tokens. To date, Goldma has mined gold worth over a quarter million dollars.

4. BlockVest

Developed on the Ethereum network, BlockVest (BLV) uses virtual identity to facilitate digitization of assets. It also uses smart contracts that enable users to manage their assets directly. As such, the platform allows users from all over the globe to verify their holdings transparently and at any time. Users do not have to incur costly bank fees when using the platform. Instead, they can earn passive income via BlockVest Nvestnodes that allow them to get a share of profits generated from digitized assets.

BlockVest ICO project is designed to solve the challenge of high volatility that is facing the cryptocurrency market. Through its decentralized exchange feature, BlockVest utility token holders will be able to issue secondary tokens in US dollar denominations. By so doing, they will be able to lock the value of their tokens to the dollar.